Simple Assets Author-RAM payer solution

The Simple Assets author-RAM payer solution is deployed in the Jungle Testnet, and the WAX testnet. On Monday August 3, we will deploy it to all other chains.

This OPTIONAL feature for NFT authors allows authors to pay for the RAM that stores NFTs, even while NFTs are transferred between users. (Hat tip to pink network for pioneering this.)

Authors can also choose for this feature to only work with specified categories of NFTs. Authors can also turn RAM payer on or off.

We, and other teams are building various GUIs for Simple Asset functionality . They will eventually cover author RAM Payer functionality. For now, authors can use these cleos commands or the smart contract interface on bloks.


How to Enable RAM Payer for category:

Set the NFT category to 1. (Blank categories are okay if you don’t use categories.)

./ push action simpleassets setarampayer ‘[“<AUTHORS_ACCOUNT>”, “<NFT_CATEGORY>”, <1 or 0>]’ -p AUTHORS_ACC

This action is also accessible through’s general smart contract interface:


How to check RAM Payer:

Check the arampayers table in the Simple Assets Contract. For example:

./ get table simpleassets simpleassets arampayers --index 2 --key-type i64 -L <AUTHORS_ACC> -U <AUTHORS_ACC>

Or, you can see the entire table:


How to toggle author-RAM Payers:

Use the same command as Enabling, but with a 0 to turn off, or a 1 to turn the feature on again:

./ push action simpleassets setarampayer ‘[“<AUTHORS_ACCOUNT>”, “<NFT_CATEGORY>”, <1 or 0>]’ -p <AUTHORS_ACCOUNT>

What happens when you change RAM Payer:

We suspect most authors who want this feature will turn it on and leave it on. But there may be some edge cases where an author wants the option of changing it.

When author-RAM payer is turned ON — it will apply to all FUTURE NFTs created by the author.

When author-RAM payer is turned OFF, the NFTs remain in the memory of the author until a transfer or offer/claim is done by users. Then, the NFTs will end up in the user’s memory.

If author-RAM payer is re-enabled, it applies to NFTs created from that moment forward.


Possible future upgrade:

In the future, we may add functionality by which an author can re-capture RAM of past NFTs. This isn’t simple functionality and may be aided by a new EOSIO feature from, which we’ve requested.


First receipt of an Asset:

If you’re sending an asset to an account which have never before held any Simple Assets, the sender will pay for 115 byes to create a table for them, regardless of the author-RAM payer setting.

So if you’re send a large number of assets, especially to newly-create accounts, use Simple Assets offer/claim functionality instead of transfer.


