Cleos Examples
Note, these actions can be accessed through a visual interface here:
- 1. View Assets
- 2. Author’s data
- 3. Create SimpleAssets
- 4. Update Assets
- 5. Transfer Assets
- 6. Burn Assets
- 7. Offer/Cancel Offer/Claim Assets
- 8. Delegate/ Undelegate/ Delegate more Assets
- 9. Attach / Detach
- 10. More Data
- 11. FT accounts open/close
- 12. author-RAM-payer
1. View Assets
1.1 List all user’s asstes
./ get table simpleassets <acount> sassets
./ get table simpleassets <acount> accounts
./ get table simpleassets <acount> snttassets
1.2. Get one NFT data (By owner and assetid)
./ get table simpleassets <owner> sassets -L <assetid> -l 1
1.3. Get list users NFTs filtered by author
./ get table simpleassets <owner> sassets --index 2 --key-type i64 -L <author account> -U <author>
1.4. Get one NTT data (by owner and assetid)
./ get table simpleassets <owner> snttassets -L <assetid> -l 1
1.5. Get list users NFTs filtered by author
./ get table simpleassets <owner> sassets --index 2 --key-type i64 -L <author account> -U <author>
1.6 Get all FTs by author
./ get table simpleassets <author account> stat
1.7 Get all FTs by author and symbol
./ get table simpleassets <author account> stat -L <SYMBOL> -U <SYMBOL>
2. Author’s data
2.1 Author registration
./ push action simpleassets authorreg '{ "author": "<author account>", "dappinfo" : "{ \ \"name\": \"<DAPP Name>\", \ \"company\": \"<DAPP Company>\", \ \"info\": \"<DAPP INFO>\", \ \"logo\": \"<DAPP logo url>\", \ \"url\": \"<web-site url>\", \ \"defaultfee\":<market fee> \ }", "fieldtypes": "{\ \"<mdata or idata key 1>\": \"<fieldtype>\", \ \"<mdata or idata key 2>\": \"<fieldtype>\" \ }", "priorityimg": "{\ \"<category name>\": \"<mdata or idata key>\", \ \"*\": \"<mdata or idata key>\" \ }" }' -p <author account>
./ push action simpleassets authorreg '{ "author": "ilovekolobok", "dappinfo" : "{ \ \"name\": \"Kolobok Breeding Game\", \ \"company\": \"CryptoLions\", \ \"info\": \"Breed your Kolobok\", \ \"logo\": \"\", \ \"url\": \"\", \ \"defaultfee\":200 \ }", "fieldtypes": "{\ \"bdate\": \"timestamp\", \ \"cd\": \"timestamp\", \ \"img\": \"img\", \ \"st\": \"hide\", \ \"url\": \"url\" \ }", "priorityimg": "{\ \"kolobok\": \"img\", \ \"*\": \"img\" \ }" }' -p ilovekolobok
2.2 Author data update
./ push action simpleassets authorupdate '{ "author": "<author account>", "dappinfo" : "{ \ \"name\": \"<DAPP Name>\", \ \"company\": \"<DAPP Company>\", \ \"info\": \"<DAPP INFO>\", \ \"logo\": \"<DAPP logo url>\", \ \"url\": \"<web-site url>\", \ \"defaultfee\":<market fee> \ }", "fieldtypes": "{\ \"<mdata or idata key 1>\": \"<fieldtype>\", \ \"<mdata or idata key 2>\": \"<fieldtype>\" \ }", "priorityimg": "{\ \"<category name>\": \"<mdata or idata key>\", \ \"*\": \"<mdata or idata key>\" \ }" }' -p <author account>
./ push action simpleassets authorupdate '{ "author": "ilovekolobok", "dappinfo" : "{ \ \"name\": \"Kolobok Breeding Game\", \ \"company\": \"CryptoLions\", \ \"info\": \"Breed your Kolobok\", \ \"logo\": \"\", \ \"url\": \"\", \ \"defaultfee\":200 \ }", "fieldtypes": "{\ \"bdate\": \"timestamp\", \ \"cd\": \"timestamp\", \ \"img\": \"img\", \ \"st\": \"hide\", \ \"url\": \"url\" \ }", "priorityimg": "{\ \"kolobok\": \"img\", \ \"*\": \"img\" \ }" }' -p ilovekolobok
3. Create SimpleAssets
3.1 Create NFT
./ push action simpleassets create '{ "author": "<author acc>", "category": "<category>", "owner": "<owner acc>", "idata": "<sting ot stringfy json>", "mdata": "
- 12. author-RAM-payer
;<sting ot stringfy json>“, „requireclaim“ : <0 or 1> }‘ -p <author acc>
./ push action simpleassets create '{ "author": "testertester", "category": "sword", "owner": "bohdanbohdan", "idata": "{\ \"name\":\"test\" \ }", "mdata": "{ \ \"img\": \"\", \ \"power\": 10, \ \"broken\": false \ }", "requireclaim" : 0 }' -p testertester
3.2 Create and Issue FT
Create FT:
./ push action simpleassets createf '{ "author" : "<author account>", "maximum_supply": "<max token supply with symbol>", authorctrl: <author control - 1 or 0>, data: "{ \ \"name\":\"<FT name>\", \ \"img\":\"<FT image>\" }" \ \"<any key>\":\"<value>\" }" \ }' -p <author account>
Issue FT:
./ push action simpleassets issuef '{ "to": "<new owner>", "author": "<author account>", "quantity": "<amount and symbol>", "memo": "<memo message>" }' -p testertester
Examples Create FT:
./ push action simpleassets createf '{ "author" : "testertester", "maximum_supply": "10000000 WOOD", authorctrl: 1, data: "{ \ \"name\":\"Game wood\", \ \"img\":\"\" \ }" }' -p testertester ./ push action simpleassets createf '{ "author" : "testertester", "maximum_supply": "10000000.00 ROCK", authorctrl: 1, data: "{ \ \"name\":\"Game rock\", \ \"img\":\"\" \ }" }' -p testertester
Issue FT:
./ push action simpleassets issuef '{ "to": "bohdanbohdan", "author": "testertester", "quantity": "500 WOOD", "memo": "demo issue" }' -p testertester ./ push action simpleassets issuef '{ "to": "bohdanbohdan", "author": "testertester", "quantity": "100.50 ROCK", "memo": "demo issue" }' -p testertester
3.3 Create NTT
./ push action simpleassets createntt '{ "author": "<author acc>", "category": "<category>", "owner": "<owner acc>", "idata": "<sting ot stringfy json>", "mdata": "<sting ot stringfy json>", "requireclaim" : <0 or 1> }' -p <author acc>
./ push action simpleassets createntt '{ "author": "testertester", "category": "sword", "owner": "bohdanbohdan", "idata": "{ \ \"name\":\"test ntt\", \ \"expiration\":2030, \ \"sn\":\"AB444555\" \ }", "mdata": "{ \"img\": \"\", \ \"valid\": 1 \ }", "requireclaim" : 0 }' -p testertester
4. Update Assets
4.1 Update NFT
./ push action simpleassets update '{ "author": "<author acc>", "owner": "<owner acc>", "assetID": <asset id> "mdata": "<sting ot stringfy json>" }' -p <author acc>
./ push action simpleassets update '{ "author": "testertester", "owner": "bohdanbohdan", "assetID": 100000000000074 "mdata": "{ \ \"img\": \"\", \ \"power\": 10, \ \"broken\": true \ }" }' -p testertester
4.2 Update FT
./ push action simpleassets updatef '{ "author": "<author acc>", "sym": "<precision,SYMBOL>", data: "{ \ \"name\":\"<FT name>\", \ \"img\":\"<FT image>\", \ \"<any key>\":\"<any value>\" \ }" }' -p <author acc>
./ push action simpleassets updatef '{ "author": "testertester", "sym": "0,WOOD", data: "{ \ \"name\":\"Game wood\", \ \"img\":\"\", \ \"moreinfo\":\"some description\", \ }" }' -p testertester ./ push action simpleassets updatef '{ "author": "testertester", "sym": "2,ROCK", data: "{ \ \"name\":\"Game rock\", \ \"img\":\"\", \ \"moreinfo\":\"some description\", \ }" }' -p testertester
4.3 Update NTT
./ push action simpleassets updatentt '{ "author": "<author acc>", "owner": "<owner acc>", "assetID": <asset id> "mdata": "<sting ot stringfy json>" }' -p <author acc>
./ push action simpleassets updatentt '{ "author": "testertester", "owner": "bohdanbohdan", "assetID": 100000000000111 "mdata": "{ \ \"img\": \"\", \ \"valid\": 0 \ }" }' -p testertester
5. Transfer Assets
5.1 Transfer NFT
./ push action simpleassets transfer '{ "from": "<NFT owner account>", "to": "<NFT receiver account>", "assetids": <array [] of assetids>, "memo": "<text memo>" }' -p <NFT owner account>
Example (transfer one ore more assets)
./ push action simpleassets transfer '{ "from": "bohdanbohdan", "to": "lioninjungle", "assetids": [100000000000111], "memo": "nft transfer example" }' -p bohdanbohdan ./ push action simpleassets transfer '{ "from": "bohdanbohdan", "to": "lioninjungle", "assetids": [100000000000111, 100000000000202, 100000000000232], "memo": "nft transfer example" }' -p bohdanbohdan
5.2 Transfer FT
./ push action simpleassets transferf '{ "from": "<FT owner account>", "to": "<FT receiver account>", "author": "<FT author account>", "quantity" : "<amount and SYMBOL>", "memo": "<text memo>" }' -p <FT owner account>
./ push action simpleassets transferf '{ "from": "bohdanbohdan", "to": "lioninjungle", "author": "testertester", "quantity" : "15 WOOD", "memo": "ft transfer example" }' -p bohdanbohdan ./ push action simpleassets transferf '{ "from": "bohdanbohdan", "to": "lioninjungle", "author": "testertester", "quantity" : "20.00 ROCK", "memo": "ft transfer example" }' -p bohdanbohdan
6. Burn Assets
6.1 Burn NFT
./ push action simpleassets burn '{ "owner": "<NFT owner account>", "assetids": <array [] of asset ids>, "memo": "<text memo>" }' -p <NFT owner account>
./ push action simpleassets burn '{ "owner": "bohdanbohdan", "assetids": [100000000000111], "memo": "burn one" }' -p bohdanbohdan ./ push action simpleassets burn '{ "owner": "bohdanbohdan", "assetids": [100000000000111, 100000000000112], "memo": "burn two" }' -p bohdanbohdan
6.2 Burn FT
./ push action simpleassets burnf '{ "from": "<FT owner account>", "author": "<FT author account>", "quantity": "<amount SYMBOL>", "memo": "<text memo>" }' -p <FT owner account or authors account if author control is enabled for FT>
./ push action simpleassets burnf '{ "from": "bohdanbohdan", "author": "testertester", "quantity": "10 WOOD", "memo": "burn wood" }' -p bohdanbohdan ./ push action simpleassets burnf '{ "from": "bohdanbohdan", "author": "testertester", "quantity": "10.50 ROCK", "memo": "burn rock" }' -p bohdanbohdan
6.3 Burn NTT
./ push action simpleassets burnntt '{ "owner": "<NTT owner account>", "assetids": <array [] of asset ids>, "memo": "<text memo>" }' -p <NTT owner account or authors account if NTT was not claimed>
./ push action simpleassets burnntt '{ "owner": "bohdanbohdan", "assetids": [100000000000111], "memo": "burn one" }' -p bohdanbohdan ./ push action simpleassets burnntt '{ "owner": "bohdanbohdan", "assetids": [100000000000111, 100000000000112], "memo": "burn two" }' -p bohdanbohdan
7. Offer/Cancel Offer/Claim Assets
7.1 Offer NFT
./ push action simpleassets offer '{ "owner": "<NFT owner account>", "newowner": "<NFT receiver account>", "assetids": <array [] of assets ids>, "memo": "<text memo>" }' -p <NFT owner account>
./ push action simpleassets offer '{ "owner": "bohdanbohdan", "newowner": "lioninjungle", "assetids": [100000000000111, 100000000000112], "memo": "two assets offerd for claim" }' -p bohdanbohdan
7.2 Cancel NFT Offer
./ push action simpleassets canceloffer '{ "owner": "<NFT owner account>", "assetids": <array [] of assets ids> }' -p <NFT owner account>
./ push action simpleassets canceloffer '{ "owner": "bohdanbohdan", "assetids": [100000000000111, 100000000000112], }' -p bohdanbohdan
7.4 Claim NFT
./ push action simpleassets claim '{ "claimer": "<NFT claimer account>", "assetids": <array [] of assets ids> }' -p <NFT claimer account>
./ push action simpleassets claim '{ "claimer": "lioninjungle", "assetids": [100000000000111, 100000000000112], }' -p lioninjungle
7.5 Offer FT
./ push action simpleassets offerf '{ "owner": "<FT owner account>", "newowner": "<FT receiver account>", "author": "<FT author>" "quantity": <amount and SYMBOL>, "memo": "<text memo>" }' -p <FT owner account>
./ push action simpleassets offer '{ "owner": "bohdanbohdan", "newowner": "lioninjungle", "author": "testertester", "quantity": "10 WOOD", "memo": "FT WOOD delagate" }' -p bohdanbohdan ./ push action simpleassets offer '{ "owner": "bohdanbohdan", "newowner": "lioninjungle", "author": "testertester", "quantity": "10.50 ROCK", "memo": "FT ROCK delagate" }' -p bohdanbohdan
7.6 Cancel Offer FT
./ push action simpleassets cancelofferf '{ "owner": "<FT owner account>", "ftofferids": <array [] of offerfs ids > }' -p <FT owner account>
./ push action simpleassets cancelofferf '{ "owner": "bohdanbohdan", "ftofferids": [55, 56], }' -p bohdanbohdan
7.7 Claim FT
./ push action simpleassets claimf '{ "claimer": "<FT claimer account>", "ftofferids": <array [] of offerfs ids> }' -p <FT claimer account>
./ push action simpleassets claimf '{ "claimer": "lioninjungle", "ftofferids": [55, 56], }' -p lioninjungle
7.8 Claim NTT (if was created if requireClaim = true)
./ push action simpleassets claimntt '{ "claimer": "<NTT claimer account>", "assetids": <array [] of NTT ids> }' -p <NTT claimer account>
./ push action simpleassets claimntt '{ "claimer": "lioninjungle", "assetids": [100000000000111, 100000000000112], }' -p lioninjungle
8. Delegate/ Undelegate/ Delegate more Assets
8.1 Delegate NFT
./ push action simpleassets delegate '{ "owner": "<NFT owner account>", "to": "<NFT receiver account>", "assetids": <array [] of asset ids>, "period": <wait in seconds until undelegate will be possible, 86400=1day>, "redelegate": <set 1 will allow redelegate asset,0 -not>, "memo": "<text memo>" }' -p <NFT owner account>
./ push action simpleassets delegate '{ "owner": "bohdanbohdan", "to": "lioninjungle", "assetids": [100000000000111, 100000000000112], "period": 86400, "redelegate": 0, "memo": "delegation for one day" }' -p bohdanbohdan
8.2 Undelegate NFT
./ push action simpleassets undelegate '{ "owner": "<NFT real owner account>", "assetids": <array [] of asset ids> }' -p <NFT real owner account>
./ push action simpleassets undelegate '{ "owner": "bohdanbohdan", "assetids": [100000000000111, 100000000000112] }' -p bohdanbohdan
8.3 DelegateMore NFT (extend period of delegation)
./ push action simpleassets delegatemore '{ "owner": "<NFT owner account>", "assetidc": <array [] of asset ids>, "period": <will add to existing period seconds until undelegate will be possible, 86400=1day> }' -p <NFT owner account>
./ push action simpleassets delegatemore '{ "owner": "bohdanbohdan", "assetidc": [100000000000111, 100000000000112], "period": 86400 }' -p bohdanbohdan
9. Attach / Detach
9.1 Attach NFT(s) to another NFT
./ push action simpleassets attach '{ "owner": "<NFT owner account>", "assetidc": <container NFT id>, "assetids": <array [] of attaching NFTs ids> }' -p <NFT author account>
./ push action simpleassets attach '{ "owner": "bohdanbohdan", "assetidc": 100000000000110, "assetids": [100000000000111, 100000000000112], }' -p testertester
9.2 Attach FT to NFT
./ push action simpleassets attachf '{ "owner": "<FT owner account>", "author": "<FT author account>", "quantity": <FT amount and SYMBOL>, "assetidc": <container NFT id> }' -p <NFT author account>
./ push action simpleassets attach '{ "owner": "bohdanbohdan", "author": "testertester", "quantity": "10 WOOD", "assetidc": 100000000000110 }' -p testertester
9.3 Detach NFT
./ push action simpleassets detach '{ "owner": "<NFT owner account>", "assetidc": <container NFT id>, "assetids": <array [] of detaching NFTs ids> }' -p <NFT owner account>
./ push action simpleassets detach '{ "owner": "bohdanbohdan", "assetidc": 100000000000110, "assetids": [100000000000111, 100000000000112], }' -p bohdanbohdan
9.4 Detach FT
./ push action simpleassets detachf '{ "owner": "<FT owner account>", "author": "<FT author account>", "quantity": <FT amount and SYMBOL>, "assetidc": <container NFT id> }' -p <NFT owner account>
./ push action simpleassets detachf '{ "owner": "bohdanbohdan", "author": "testertester", "quantity": "10 WOOD", "assetidc": 100000000000110 }' -p bohdanbohdan
10. More Data
10.1. Add more data
./ push action simpleassets mdadd '{ "author": "<author acc>", "data": "<sting ot stringfy json>", }' -p <author acc>
./ push action simpleassets mdadd '{ "author": "testertester", "data": "{ \ \"material\": \"wood\", \ \"look\": \"pristine\" \ }", }' -p testertester
10.2. Update more data
./ push action simpleassets mdupdate '{ "id": <mdata id>, "author": "<author acc>", "data": "<sting ot stringfy json>" }' -p <author acc>
./ push action simpleassets mdupdate '{ "id": 28, "author": "testertester", "data": "{ \ \"material\": \"wood\", \ \"look\": \"pristine\" \ \"newdata\": \"something\" \ }", }' -p testertester
10.3. Remove more data
./ push action simpleassets mdremove '{"id": <mdata id> }' -p <author acc>
./ push action simpleassets mdremove '{"id": 28}' -p testertester
11. FT accounts open/close
11.1. Open empty FT account
./ push action simpleassets openf '{ "owner": <accout where FT with 0 balance will be created>, "author": "<FT author acc>", "symbol": "<precision,SYMBOLS>", "ram_payer": "<ram payer account>", }' -p <ram payer account>
./ push action simpleassets openf '{ "owner": "lioninjungle", "author": "testertester", "symbol": "0,WOOD", "ram_payer": "bohdanbohdan", }' -p bohdanbohdan
11.2. Close empty FT account
./ push action simpleassets closef '{ "owner": <accout where FT with 0 balance will be created>, "author": "<FT author acc>", "symbol": "<precision,SYMBOLS>" }' -p <ram payer account>
./ push action simpleassets closef '{ "owner": "lioninjungle", "author": "testertester", "symbol": "0,WOOD" }' -p bohdanbohdan
12. author-RAM-payer
12.1. Check Author RAM payer status
./ get table simpleassets simpleassets arampayers --index 2 --key-type i64 -L -U
12.2. Enable (or toggle) Author RAM payer
./ push action simpleassets setarampayer ‘[“”, “”, <1 or 0>]’ -p AUTHORS_ACC